Writing Workshops
I'm available to speak at writers’ festivals and Book Week activities in schools. My sessions have been received enthusiastically by primary (Years 3 to 6) and secondary students (Years 7 to 10). I'm also happy to run writing workshops for adults or present to community groups about my journey as a writer.
Email me to discuss your specific needs.
Session Outlines:
Uh Oh! Bad Moments Make Good Fiction
Often our best stories are inspired by our worst moments in real life. From accidentally kicking her gymnastics coach in the head, to playing chasey with a friend who tripped and broke his collarbone, Thalia will take you through the tough, and sometimes funny, times in life that have inspired her stories in the Go Girl series.
With specific read-throughs, you'll see the techniques Thalia uses to transform difficult life experiences into entertaining fiction. Quizzes threaded throughout the session will help you consider your own 'worst moments' (we all have them) and come to see them for what they are – part of the colourful tapestry of life and, best of all, inspiration to write your own authentic works of fiction.
Time Travel: Fact, Fiction and Fun
Dive into the mind-bending fun of time travel as Thalia talks about the inspiration behind her Lifespan of Starlight trilogy.
Talking about time travel and writing with students at Presbyterian Ladies' College in MelbourneFind out why we all live a split second in the past and why looking up at the stars means you’re looking backwards in time. We’ll look at the science behind real-life time travel, and make sense of the common paradoxes in time travel stories. Threaded throughout the discussion will be tips and techniques that Thalia uses to keep the audience engaged and make the 'unbelievable' feel authentic. Be prepared: this session will blow your mind.
Writing Workshop: Get it right from the start
Picking the right point in the action to begin a piece of fiction can feed tension throughout the rest of your story. Learn the ingredients that will set up a tight plot right from the beginning, then apply those concepts to your story as a whole. By the end of the workshop participants will have a basic plan and opening lines for a short story that will keep readers hooked from beginning to end.
Thalia prepared thoroughly for the writing workshops and got great work out of the middle school students. It was a great blend of information about how to write and getting the students to write themselves. Thalia also interacted very positively with the students and they loved working with her.
Marg Moran, Teacher Librarian, Carey Celebrates Literature Festival
After the book 'The Lifespan of Starlight' by Thalia Kalkipsakis was such a hit with our Year 6 classes, it seemed only logical to have Thalia out to speak to the students about the story, the inspiration behind story and to glean some insight into the third book in the trilogy.
Thalia was very friendly and approachable. The students were very excited to meet and seemed to identify with her immediately. She shared the process that she goes through when constructing a story and gave the students tips as to how to find inspiration to motivate their own creative writing. The students especially like the way she addressed some of the problems that she faced during the writing process. Thalia gave excellent strategies to combat these issues and the students seemed totally engrossed in everything she had to say.
Thalia was very enthusiastic about her writing and this passion was transferred to the students. It was a thoroughly enjoyable presentation and I would highly recommend it to all.
Anne Walsh, Teacher Librarian, Presbyterian Ladies College, Melbourne
On Tuesday 25th August 2015, Marian College had the great pleasure of working with Thalia as part of National Book Week. Thalia completed four writing workshops for our students, ranging from Years 7 to 10. As the Year 10 English teacher it was such a positive experience, as the students were very interested in what Thalia was sharing with them. The students remained focused and many took the first step in writing their own story, which we will continue with in future English lessons.
Thank you once again.
Anna Fin Genero, Year 10 English, Marian College
With dancing students from the Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School